Offer ends soon…
“Unlock the SECRET formula to capture awe-inspiring, jaw dropping, sharp wildlife photos… even if you don’t have expensive gear.”
Sound on!
Watch Module 1 Introduction below!
Most professionals won’t share this with you…
But there’s a proven shortcut to capturing incredible wildlife photos…

Photos so magnificent they’ll leave everyone in awe!

It only takes a few hours to learn the skills needed to do this…

And your wildlife photos will never look the same again.

In just a few hours, you too will be able to capture photos like this…

And like this…
Imagine taking wildlife photographs so extraordinary…

…that they leave even you in disbelief.

You share these pictures with your friends and family…

Who can’t help saying things like…

“Wow, this is breathtaking! I wish that I could take photos like these”
“OMG your pictures are beautiful. Did you really take this photo yourself?”
“Your photos belong in a magazine. I didn’t realize you’re this good!”

Set Your Social Media on Fire!

When you post your images on social media…

Gaining tons of new followers…

As people flood your top-quality photos with wonderful comments.

Believe it or not…

You can achieve all this (and more)…

With the gear you already have.

In fact, not long from now…
You’ll be able to take eye-catching photos with confidence…

Every time you turn on your camera!

I know this sounds too good to be true…

But that’s what happens when you discover the proven formula.
Thousands of Photos…
So Many Missed Opportunities.

Hello There,

My name is Simon d’Entremont…

And when I started taking my first wildlife photos – it was a bumpy ride to say the least.

Perhaps you can relate?

My first photos were downright awful, and it seemed every time I went out, I discovered a new mistake to make.

I’d spend hours in the field shooting thousands of photos only to come home with next to “no keepers”.

It was devastating and the number of amazing opportunities that slipped through my fingers made me sick!

I didn’t have a mentor to guide me, so I needed to figure it all out myself and I felt lost.

What’s worse?

I started believing that I didn’t have what it takes to be a really good wildlife photographer.

Fast Forward 10 years
I’ve taken over 1 million photos…

I have one of the fastest growing wildlife photography YouTube channels with over 6.2 million views and over 166,000 subscribers in just over a year!

Here’s what people have to say about Simon as an educator.
Even though I have no artistic background nor seemingly any artistic skills, I even developed an eye for pretty photos, and developed skills and techniques on how to get them.
Simon has won prestigious awards with photos like this…
And this…
People started calling me for my photos, media interviews and partnerships.

And my photos started to get noticed all over the internet and beyond.

I’ve discovered a few secrets that are rarely shared by other professionals.

Best part?

I can now anticipate when a special moment is about to unfold.

I no longer have to guess if I’m going to get the shot.

I know exactly what to do to make my images stunning!
Hard Work.
Wasted Trips.
I want to be honest with you…

It took me 10 years, thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of frustrating trial and error to get here.

The good news?

There’s an easier alternative!

And I’ve discovered a simple, yet powerful, blueprint for people just like you…
…who want to take the best photos of their lives!

If you too want to skip all of the agonizing trial and error…

And discover how to take amazing wildlife photos in record time…

Then this is for you!

Wildlife Photography Essentials
Settings | Equipment | Field Techniques
A step-by-step blueprint to elevating your wildlife photography… FAST.
What’s the first step to capture “Wow” photos?

Take control of your camera settings.

I’ll reveal all of the camera setting tricks that I use to…

Take award-winning quality images!

Get the Recognition You Deserve.

Taking award-winning quality wildlife photos is amazing…

But do you know what’s even better?

Having your photos publicly praised by others.

As you proudly post and share your photos on social media…

Get flooded with new followers, likes and shares…

Leaving your friends and family in disbelief.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even win some photo contests or get published in a magazine?
Learn to See. What You Couldn’t Before.
To take award-winning quality photos…

You need to know what to look for.

Light and shadows, perspective and composition, and animal behavior.

The truth is, most photographers don’t see these things.

But don’t worry.

I’ll show you how to think like a professional photographer…So you can see things before they happen, where most see nothing!It’s like opening your eyes for the very first time.

Create Emotions. Tell Stories.

It’s fantastic to capture beautiful photos…

But then what?

How do you transition from simple photographs to true masterpieces?

The secret is connecting with your viewers emotionally.

That’s why the strongest photos express emotions and tell stories.

Go from capturing just photos to meaningful works of art…

That speak to the soul of your viewers!

Zero fluff. Pure results.
Taking stunning photos doesn’t have to be confusing.

I’ll show you how to master your camera in simple, step-by-step lessons, so you can focus on the more creative aspects of wildlife photography.

Learn to focus on lighting scenarios, unique compositions, and backgrounds to compliment your subjects.

Everything from stunning portraits, to storytelling environmental images.

You’ll arm yourself with the knowledge to capture the right shot at the perfect moment!
Learn at your own pace. Any time, Any where, 24/7
Act Immediately And Receive The Following Bonuses
Photo Contest
Let’s face it, you don’t need a $13,000 lens to take amazing photos, but it doesn’t hurt.
The first 500 people to join the course will be eligible to take part in an exclusive photo contest where the winner will get a lens of their choosing up to $13,000!
This isn’t a giveaway like we’ve done in the past that could have 17,000+ participants, when you join today, you will be one of only 500 people who will have a chance to participate in this photo contest.
Remaining spots until contest begins.
Total Value: $13,000
Live Group Image Critique
Simon will randomly choose 5 members who join his course to have a photo of their choice critiqued and processed live for everyone to see how he goes about processing images.
Everyone who joins will be invited to watch Simon live!
Total Value: $297
Private Online Community and Group
Join our “course member-only” in an exclusive private online community.
Share your photos. Get feedback. Stay inspired.
Simon will even drop in from time to time to offer help.
You will have free lifetime membership to this group.
Total Value: $360/year
3 Behind the Scenes Bonus Modules

Get inside the head and view finder of a professional wildlife photographer as Simon takes you behind the scenes in real time on how he makes the choices and decisions on the fly.

(Purple Sandpipers, Songbirds and Swallows, Wildlife Park Adventure)

Total Value: $97
Special Discounts
Immediately after you enroll in the course, you will get instant access to several discounts that are available for you to use today!

We have more on the way, but below are the ones you can use right away.
– FLM Tripods
– Pangolin Photo Safaris
– Cotton Carrier
– Bay Photo
– Print Partner
– Capture One
– Gura Gear
– Hoodman
– Think Tank
– Lens Rentals
– ProMediaGear
– Atlantic Photo
Total Value: $1,500+?
10 Photo Challenge

After you complete the course you’ll be asked to enter your best photo in 10 different categories to show off what you’ve learned in the course.

At the end of the year, Simon and a panel of judges will select a winner from each category.

Each winner will take home a $200 gift certificate.

Total Value: $2000
Finding Wildlife and Predicting Wildlife Behavior

Did you know that large birds take off and land into the wind, so to get a shot of the front you should approach from upwind?

Learn about that and other tricks to both find wildlife and predict their behavior to get more action and better photos with this new, free, bonus module.

Total Value: $97

You Can’t Lose With Our 100%
Ironclad, Money-Back Guarantee

Your satisfaction is assured through our no risk, you-can’t-lose, 100%, no-questions-asked, iron-clad money-back guarantee. If for any reason, you aren’t thrilled and satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 Days and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase price.Some terms and conditions apply.*
Offer ends soon…
Here is Everything that you get When you join TODAY!
Total Value: $7,151+
Regular Price: $997
TODAY ONLY $497.00
* DISCLAIMER: Your results will most certainly vary from person to person. Our best efforts, time, energy and experiences have been used in preparing this information, but, as you are surely aware, your results cannot be guaranteed. The fact is – as with any educational product of this type – you actually have to do the work and apply the techniques in this training to get your desired results. This training in no way promises that you will win photo contests, have your photo’s publish or win awards. Any testimonials are for information purposes and should not be considered “typical” results or even true results as they have not been verified in any way (other than our students sent them to us). We have no statistical data to support “actual” results from any user and strongly suspect that, unfortunately, most people who buy ANY information product online probably don’t do much, if anything, with any of the products they buy. Hopefully you’ll be different and actually take action on what we teach you here.
* We wanted to give you a heads up that we can’t offer refunds for anyone who consumes 10 or more modules. By this time, you should know if the course is for you or not. We hope you understand our policy and know that we’re always here to provide exceptional service and support. Your satisfaction means a lot to us!